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Plainly said, Disc Golf is Fun. It's a healthy way to get people

to use parks who normally wouldn't. After interviewing many

disc golfers from all different backgrounds, and ages a few

things were clear: 

  • DG is the main reason they go to parks when they normally wouldn't frequent one. 

  • DG creates a sense of community. Like most recreation, you learn to have fun with people you may not care to stop and talk to on the street. The sport brings an enjoyable competitive outlet for people who want to sharpen a skill while enjoying the outdoors. 


Why Disc Golf?

There’s places in the US where Disc Golf is catching momentum. As of 2015, there are courses in 16 if Mississippi’s state parks. Bill Brekeen, manager if Tishomingo State Park, speaks to the low-cost of the sport,

“We saw it as another recreation opportunity that once you get the initial cost behind you, it pretty much takes care of itself.”

It's Popular and Inexpensive!!!

It Promotes Health and wellness

“The Primary goal of many park and recreation activities is to provide resources and programs that improve the quality of life for the community. Increasing physical activity is one aspect of this agenda. Promoting physical activity is a public health goal; however, increasing population-level activity will require access to places for physical activity (e.g. parks).”

-Judy Kruger

The culture also promotes environmental stewardship by drawing people to park allowing for a connection to nature. And DG course caretakers are always willing to plant trees.

After speaking with disc golfers about how disc golf has affected them, it was obvious that the sport promoted positive recreation. during my observations, I noticed youths partaking in illegal activities, most likely the result of misguidance and too much time on their hands. DG has the potential to motivate them to attempt something positive and healthy and steer them away from negative and harmful lifestyles. 

Positive Vibes

Creates a Community

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